“Chess is rarely a game of ideal moves. Almost always, a player faces a series of difficult consequences whichever move he makes.”

-David Shenk

I learned a lot of things in this week’s class that were beyond business models and how to source products. It made me ponder on what goes in our pretty little heads when we are faced with decision to make. Hence, the chess analogy I just included.


Photo by Raquel Martínez on Unsplash

Two case studies ago, Trevor was worried about how they are to compare apples with oranges. Well, the short answer is we quantify and compare. It makes it seem like you’re comparing apples to apples, and you are better able to arrive to an objective-based decision. Quantifying means one thing: you are turning those apples and oranges into numbers. How many seeds does the apple have? Is it more than the orange’s seeds? Well, how about the apple, how many times can you break it off into pieces?

You get the point. But I’ve learned, there are steps to ensure you are looking at legitimate numbers that actually tell something about each alternative you are comparing:  1) choose the criteria, 2) determine how to rate each alternative, 3) determine how to weight the criteria, and 4) rank alternatives to help in the decision. Really good stuff.


David Shenk was onto something with that quote. Most of the time, is not about the decision, but what consequences are at hand no matter your decision. Rarely is life the same, to be honest. You can pull apart every single detail, every little string of every single decision, but that decision will always have a consequences.

Photo by Mesh on Unsplash

That, ladies and gentlemen, is what I experienced when helping Joe, Amy and Trevor pick which model is better. Affiliate or drop shipping? Both are fabulous models for those who are wanting to begin in the online business shebang, but what is the best? What is ideal?

By now, you should have been able to answer that to my liking. Ask David Shenk.

The Mind Palace

Let’s get this fact out of the way: I’m not a business major. I have no real background on marketing, on how to create a business, on big, complicated business terminologies– you get the point. I am however, majoring in Digital and Social Media Communication. Hence, I love this class. It makes me learn how to do business in a world that I’m familiar with.


When I saw Excel sheets on the assignment pages, I almost squealed in glee. I love those sheets. Those sheets are what make my cluttered brain become somewhat organized. It turns stray thoughts into numbers, into data, into something substantial and significant. I appreciate the fact that the class is built to be hands-on with everything, especially from the start.

Ideas are an absolute treasure. Reading up the case study on Joe, Amy and Trevor, it was an interesting experience to make decisions based off of their objectives and to provide recommendation which practice is best to do. It put my mind into a place I could imagine is similar to Sherlock’s mind palace, an analytical place.

Money involves a lot of analytics. You have to be very careful, calculate risks, pit them against pay-offs and decide. The Demand and Competition activity we did by the end of the week was an excellent activity to get a taste of that. During the beginning of the week though, we watched a video that left quite an impression to me. It was Russell Brunson and his secret magic box.


Photo by Brandable Box on Unsplash

“The Magic Box…the way that box should work is if you put $1 into the top of this box, you should get $2 out…if I create something that will work, even if 99 percent of people tell me no, that’s something exciting.”


Indeed, Russell. It certainly is interesting. Ideas are money. The dollar we put in that box is the idea. The idea that came out of our gut, the idea that sped through our highway of a brain, the idea that appeared jack-in-the-box style–whatever that idea is. Bank on it. Research. Analyze. Use Google Keyword Planner. As it turns out, it tells a lot about your idea and how marketable and clickable it is on the wonderful thing that is the internet.

Find your thing. You don’t necessarily have to be passionate about it, but at least it should be a thing. That works and that people like clicking on on the internet. Your niche, per se. It doesn’t have to be particularly revolutionary, but work that non-revolutionary idea to appear revolutionary to the masses. Your dollar bill, doubled.

Bows and Arrows

You might have heard Hawkeye and Katniss. But I bet you’ve never heard of Saint Cruz Archery.

Hunger Games. Katniss Everdeen. Avengers. Hawkeye. Might be awesome to have their skills, right? Those sharp, honed eyes following the tip of the arrow, those balanced, toned arms perfecting the act of releasing the string of the bow to see the arrow hit the target. Right in the bullseye. 

Archery. One of the classiest, stately sport that quite a few people play. This days basketball, football, baseball are dominating the television. Even I have never seen Archery on T.V. Have you? I say let’s give light and focus on this sport. What Is Archery?

Archery, is simply the act of using bows to thrust arrows hitting a certain spot or target. But let’s stop right there. I’ll let the experts take the job.

But out of all sports, why choose Archery? 


Right. Let’s take a look at this Tibetan Archer. Looks pretty impressive right? Not just impressive, but it looks pretty much like a sport that you’ll certainly enjoy. Here are six reasons why;

1. P A T I E N C E

One thing I’ve learned for sure when I first held my own bow and arrow was that it takes time to get the sharp head of the arrow to where it should be at; the target. In this sport, it ain’t about speed. It’s all about the precision- and precision takes time.

2. F O C U S

Tuning out all distractions, focus on their form are things archers must do so they could release the bowstring with accurate force to strike their target. It’s all about the zen. That zen and concentration you learn in Archery can help you focus too in other areas of your life. 

3. S T R E N G TH

By learning and practicing how to draw, it strengthens arms, core, hands, chest and shoulders. Having to consistently pay attention on how much force you put on your draw, injury is much less likely to occur. It is advisable to have a proffesional set your bow to the correct draw weight.

4. C O O R D I N A T I O N

Quick, swift motions mas happen in order to execute the Katniss-esque shot. Place feet. Nock arrow. Grip the bow with precise firmness. Push bow while pulling the string, then release. Might take merely seconds, but the length and precision of where your shot goes depends on those seconds of your hands and eyes communicating. Consistent practice makes you have excellent coordination, and Archery can give you just that.

5. E X E R C I S E

Besides having your core worked by drawing your bow, walking a lot can help too if you’re bowhunting. If you don’t walk around during practice, research says drawing a bow can burn about 140 calories in thirty minutes, equivalent to walking in a brisk manner, 3.5 mph pace. Draw that bow. Get those killer abs.


6. C O N F I D E N C E

And lastly, yes. Confidence. In archery it could be that you have an opponent, or completely by yourself and a target as your opponent. Best for the introverted ones. In this sport, it’s not all about hitting the bull’s eye. Practicing on your form and shooting your bow with progress can build self- esteem.



 C h e c k   O u t  SAINT CRUZ ARCHERY’S page on Facebook! Link down below!

What’s up this summer?  

 That’s right! A summer clinic for kids. Make sure to enroll them! 

  Where it’s at: 

Make sure to check this link for more cool promos and information:

Cíao, Pammy.

Keeping Records

There’s this site called and I love it to bits because I’m bad at writing down records on paper and keeping it safe. Thanks to the luxurious opportunities technology bring, I am able to find out a way to solve my problem.

Okay, so what was I talking about when we say ‘Records’? 

I mean all. All your records. Your geneology, the story behind every ancestor’s life. The story behind your life. The story behind a picture you wanted your future generations to see. It is, in a nutshell, a legacy to leave.

Or else, you, when suddenly scrapped out of existence, will just fade away to dust and will leave your future generation to a never ending confusion of finding all their bloodline’s history.

I’d like to tell you that you are going to be a part of that history. So why make it hard for them when you are living in the now and don’t have anything to lose. 

Besides, it’s incredibly fun. 

So here’s what you have to do:

Grab a piece of paper, or a just a page in your journal, and a pen. Write your name, date of birth. Next to your name, draw two separate lines. Write your parent’s name, then your grandparent’s name, and the lines goes on until you’d have to try and find out more names. The whole ordeal is incredibly amazing. Trust me, when your future kid asks you anything that you’d like to pass to him, give this and he maybe will scrunch up a brow, but you’re basically giving him a piece of diamond. They’ll get the thought later.

Here’s how it should look like:


There. I dare you to do it. It’ll make all the difference in the future.

How to Live Life to the Fullest

I was once in the phase of confusion where I was frustrated with what I have to do with my life. Even recently, I was thinking about my purpose here on Earth.

We all have different views on what exactly is our purpose. That is, because we have been created in the most unique way possible. Think of us as snowflakes. Each distinguishable, each peculiarly unalike. Despite all of that, I believe that we all are entitled to  one divine purpose. It is our absolute choice to find it.

There it is, the answer to the entirely mainstream title of this blog post. Find your purpose.

I have no authority to tell you right now how you should find yours out. We have different beliefs, different opinions, all entitled to different perspectives. But at least, I gave you an idea. 😉

So here it is, and because I like lists, I’ll give you a list on How to Live Life to the Fullest.

1. Study.

Okay, that sounded a bit opposing to the title. But ha, you should know how significant this is. Imagine us all being flowers. We know that pollination should be done for a flower to be fertilized. Pollination is education. Without it, we wouldn’t be as conscious and with open eyes like a flower transforming into a fruit when fertilized.


2. Pray.

I know that all of us have different beliefs. Some of us are religious, some aren’t. Some don’t know and even acknowledge His existence. But even though, I encourage you to talk to Him. Try it. Or no wait, Do it. Ask him your purpose. Some of us gets answers, some of us don’t. Nevertheless, keep doing it. It’s not a matter of yes or no for Him. It’s a matter of yes, or wait and He’ll give you something even more desirable than you thought you had always wanted.


3. Positivity.

I myself, am predominantly pessimistic, according to a test I took whether you are an optimist or a pessimist. And that was what I think in my life, took a toll in my whole existence. Why? I stress myself out too much. I negatize things. And just like in the field of Chemistry, there are three subatomic particles. Proton, electron and neutron. Proton being the positive charge and electron being the negative. Neutron stays inbetween. And among all three, the atomic mass unit is the lightest in an electron. Therefore, negativity in life should be the lightest too. Or else it’ll weigh you down. So yeah. Put your positive pants on.  


4. Stop Worrying. But think and do. 


Worrying wouldn’t take away all the bad things in life. What it will give you are pimples, fine lines and wrinkles. But seriously though. Instead of worrying, think. Think about you. Think about others. What can you do to make you happy? To make others happy? Then once you find it, do it. Turn your cant’s into cans and your dreams into action. What if you fall? Try to ask yourself, what if you fly? It is you, who will be held accountable if you fall or fly. So why choose the lesser?

5. Cease to be idle.

You may have heard this tons of time before, but time flies. It literally is like a bullet, shooting you before you blink. But based on my observations, many are not aware of this fact. A lot of time is not something we have. And if right now you are reading this, then you might have a reason why you clicked on this article. So right now, if you are not doing anything, probably on your bed lying flat or on your couch in a slouching position, I dare you to stand up. Stretch. Breathe. Then start doing. Doing what, you ask. Doing the things that matters most. Because in life, we don’t have the luxury of time. So seek what you have to seek. And do what you have to do. That simple. Yet so difficult to do. 

Bucket Lists

I am the type of person who would rather stay at home watching Ellen de Generes with a bag of chips under my armpit. Who’d rather stay in bed all day, my nose buried under a book. Who’d rather write this blog post and not go with my family to bike. I didn’t even know how to bike. 

Yes, I am that lame.

This past few weeks, I feel like I’m wasting such an amazing part of my life. Yep, sarcasm is there. Teenage life. But seriously though, I’m fourteen. I feel like I should start doing things out of my comfort zone earlier. Because, bam. When you get older you’re going to regret everything you didn’t do earlier. Ha. Props to me for realizing that.

You probably should start now, too. If you haven’t, that is.

So here it is, top six of my big, boisterous, bold bucket list. 


1. Cruise on a ship. Like a big, bad ship. Titanic-sized. 

       After watching Titanic, I have always been terrified of ships in the middle of the ocean. If there’s anything more that I should try to conquer my fear of the ocean then I’d love-sort-of-hate to do this. I have always despised the thought of being in the middle of the ocean, knowing that there’s not going to be a piece of land in a long period of time. That’s worth trying.  

2. Go to Amsterdam. 

       Because hey, John Green. (big thanks to him for making me discover Amsterdam) To see Anne Frank’s house, The Van Gogh Museum. Go Efteling. To drink the stars. Oh, and meet Peter Van Houten and if he still lives there 😉


3. See the Northern Lights.

        To see beauty in the sky. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s basically an atmospheric phenomenon, where colored light is scattered like ripples or curtains. Scientifically known as Aurora Borealis. Frequently seen in Norway. I heard it’s breathtaking to see.


4. Skydiving.

       No matter how it may typically appear in everybody’s bucket list, I’d still be doing it. Cause I’m boss like that. 😂 But you know, just to prove myself that I ain’t a fat coward.

5. Get Lost. (Preferably with a friend, of course)

               May sound bizarre, but sheep. I wanted to do this since I, like, started to think. Lol. But just going out there, with nothing in hand is something so thrilling yet so calming,and is definitely something that I wouldn’t miss putting in this list.  
6. Learn to speak French and Chinese. 

       Because, why wouldn’t you want to learn Chinese and French?  It has always been my desire to be multi-lingual. So yeah, probably gonna have to bury my nose under tons of language books and go to classes. 


Ladies and gents, that is top six of what I wanted to do before I leave the honor of not existing. Of course the list will go on, but no pressure to myself. *wink

I dare you, now. I dare you to make your biggest, boisterous bucket list. Share it to me here under the comments below with the hashtag #waffledbucketlist and tell me how you’ve come up with it. 
Till next blog post,


A Tiny Speck

Hi, I’m Pam. A proud Mormon kid, an aspiring lawyer, a daughter of God, a writer, a blogger and somebody that has her head looked up at the sky. But, am just a tiny speck in this universe. I may be small compared to the million-diameter sized galaxies in the universe, but I know that I am a breathing, alive human being. With amazing capabilities. With astonishing ideas in mind. With enticing beliefs to share. With the will to reach out, and serve those who are in need. A human being so small compared to the other beings in this world and with knowledge of where I stand. But even with bilions of dust circling around our land today, I wanted to be a unique dust, standing out, like a single daisy in a bouquet of roses.

I know you can be, or probably one too.

Hi, I’m Pam. Still a tiny speck, but with a quest to be a strong, spiritual, helpful, kind, and loving one to fly around this wonderfully crazy world with a serene purpose in my heart.imagei