
Ads. It’s everywhere. Everyone seems to be trying to sell anything and anywhere. Including me. However, where it is the most saturated isn’t on the streets like the picture above but ads are on the web everywhere. Specifically, on Google.

That’s right. This week we finally created some ads through Google Ad Campaign. It was an interesting process, not as difficult as I thought it would be, but I’m sure there’s layers to it that I haven’t touched upon yet.

During this process, however, I realized just how much little space and word count we’re working with. You certainly cannot write an A4 page essay. You have to know how to choose the write words, be really crafty with it to at least make some people read it and click on it. Sounds easy, yeah?

One of the valuable things I’ve learned can be found in one of the links we were provided to learn how to write the copy for your ad:

Exaggerations Aren’t Helping Anybody!

Making bold statements with a huge red font and a yellow highlighter aren’t going to get your message across any better. It’s fine to draw attention to some things, but too much exaggeration just dulls the impact that your words have on people. Dig a little deeper and try to find a word that says exactly what you want without going overboard.

Search Engine Journal

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